Monday, February 22, 2010

Orientalism, Prejudice and Discrimination

Although many have a conception that Muslims and Arabs are the same, this is a major misconception. Muslims are followers of the Islamic religion. These people base their ideals on faith. Muslims can be of different ethnicities, such as Africans, Americans, South Asians, Arabs, Bosnians, and even Hispanic people. Arab is an ethnicity. Arabs are people that can be Jordanian, Lebanese, Palestinians, or Syrians. Not all Arabs are Muslims, some are Coptic Christians. Arabs can be Christian or secular. There are very distinct differences between Muslims and Arabs. Not having knowledge of differences can lead to narrow thinking.

It was the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, that caused people to react with narrow views on citizens of this country. Racial profiling and registration programs were put into action by the Department of Justice that stereotyped people. Many senators have expressed concern for such abuse and a number of bills have been passed to correct the 9/11 abuse.

Such thinking that took place after 9/11 is referred to as Orientalism. Three characteristics of Orientalism are the grouping of people as one, using physical features as a guide, and confusing religion with ethnicity and not seeing the diversity of cultures among a people.

By not seeing people for their individuality, others make the mistake of grouping others with those they have no common ground with. These people are only seen as the viewer chooses to see them, good or bad. This country is way too multicultural to continue to be ignorant of those who make up this great country. As a citizen of this country, it is our responsibility to be aware of our fellow countrymen. People need to educate themselves. People need not to react with emotion when situations seem prejudice bound. People need to use tolerance and knowledge to see the truth in what is really happening. Anyone, at any given time, can be labeled by prejudice which can alter the truth.

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